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One in ten older Americans, about 5 million individuals, are believed to experience abuse each year in the United States, according to the National Institute of Justice. But as few as one in 23 cases is reported. Elder abuse is preventable, but it requires research, education, advocacy and public awareness. The organizations listed below can help shed light on the problem and offer solutions.
Elder Abuse Basics by National Center on Elder Abuse
Elder Abuse Fact Sheet by Office of Justice Programs
What is Elder Abuse? (PDF) California Definitions from Orange County Elder Abuse Forensic Center
What Should I Know about Elder Abuse? by State Bar of California
A Day in the Life of APS reports by the County Welfare Directors Association of California
Missing Voices: Views of Older Persons on Elder Abuse, World Health Organization
Elder Mistreatment (online book by National Research Council‘s Panel to Review Risk and Prevalence of Elder Abuse and Neglect) Bonnie & Wallace, Eds, 2003
Prevent Elder Abuse blog, Lisa Nerenberg
U.S. Government Agencies and Organizations
National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA)
Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force (U.S. Department of Justice)
National Long Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center (NORC)
Office for Victims of Crime (OVC)
Office on Violence Against Women (OVW)
National Associations and Advocacy Organizations
Elder Justice Coalition (EJC)
International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA)
National Adult Protective Services Association (NAPSA)
National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL)
National Coalition for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (NCPEA)
The Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care
California Associations and Advocacy Organizations
California Elder Justice Workgroup
California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform
California Association of Area Agencies on Aging
California Caregiver Resource Centers
California Council on Geriatrics and Gerontology
California District Attorneys Association
California Foundation of Independent Living Centers
County Welfare Directors Association of California
California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Program
Elder Abuse and Neglect Statistics
National Elder Abuse Incidence Study, (PDF) by National Center on Elder Abuse, 1998
The 2004 Survey of Adult Protective Services: Abuse of Adults 60 Years of Age and Older (pdf) by NCPEA and NAPSA for NCEA, 2006
National Ombudsman Reporting Systems (NORS) Data, 2008, Administration on Aging
Special Feature: Elder Abuse National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS)
Full Report of the Prevalence, Incidence, and Consequences of Violence Against Women, National Institute of Justice Research Report, 2000
California: Adult Protective Services RADR Data Tables, Trends and Reports
CA Elder Abuse Investigators: Ombudsman Shackled By Conflicting Laws and Duties, 2010, California Senate Office of Oversight and Outcomes
California Dept. of Justice, Bureau of Medi-Cal Fraud and Elder Abuse (BMFEA)
Healthcare Professionals
Academy on Violence and Abuse (AVA)
American Geriatrics Society’s Foundation for Health in Aging (FHA) tip sheet on "Preventing Elder Abuse and Neglect in Older Adults”
American Medical Association is advised by the National Advisory Council on Violence and Abuse (NACVA)
American Psychological Association Elder Abuse and Neglect: In Search of Solutions
Consortium for Research in Elder Self-Neglect
Kaiser Permanente Family Violence Prevention Program
QuantiaMD: "Red Flags of Elder Abuse: Hx and Interview." Dr. Laura Mosqueda teamed with Quantia MD to created this 9-minute interactive training video. A free membership is required to participate.
“Reaching Important Gatekeepers: Training Pharmacists about Elder Abuse”
Judges and Court Personnel
Administrative Office of the Courts, Judicial Council of California, Effective Court Practice for Abused Elders Report and Appendices
American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging
Center on Aging, Florida International University--Elder Justice publications
National Center for State Courts Elder Abuse Court Resources
Attorneys and Law Enforcement
American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging
Elder Abuse Fact Sheet by Office of Justice Programs
Elder Consumer Protection Program at Stetson University College of Law's Center for Excellence in Elder Law
Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force
Life Long Justice - Appleseed Initiative
National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
National Center for State Courts Elder Abuse Prosecution Guide
National Institute of Justice—Elder Abuse
Office for Victims of Crime—Elder Abuse Resources
U.S. Postal Inspection Service
Elder Financial Protection Network
Social Services Providers
Administration on Aging—Elder Rights Protection
National Center on Elder Abuse—Resources for Professionals
National Coalition on Abuse in Late Life—Resources
National Council on Aging— Elder Abuse Resources
Elder Abuse Forensic Centers
Creating an Elder Abuse Forensic Center: Philosophy into Action. Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse & Neglect, Orange County Elder Abuse Forensic Center, and IMO Productions, 2008
Forensic Skills Seek to Uncover Elder Abuse. Jane Gross, The New York Times, 9/27/2006
Findings from an Elder Abuse Forensic Center. (Abstract) Wiglesworth, Mosqueda et al., The Gerontologist, 2005
Do We Really Need Another Meeting? Lessons from the Los Angeles County Elder Abuse Forensic Center. (Abstract) Navarro, Wilbur et al., The Gerontologist, 2010
Elder Abuse Forensic Centers. (Abstract) Schneider, Mosqueda et al., Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 2010
Elder Abuse Forensic Center in Orange County, CA
Elder Abuse Forensic Center in San Francisco, CA
Elder Death/Fatality Review Teams
Elder Abuse Fatality Review Teams: A Replication Manual (PDF) Stiegel, American Bar Association Commission on Law & Aging, 2005
Maine Elder Death Analysis Review Team
Sacramento County Elder Death Review Team
County of San Diego Elder Death Review Team: Suspicious Deaths, 2006 Report
Multidisciplinary Teams and FASTs
Our Aging Population: Promoting Empowerment, Preventing Victimization, and Implementing Coordinated Interventions (PDF) Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2000
A national look at elder abuse multidisciplinary teams. (PDF) Teaster & Nerenberg, National Center on Elder Abuse, 2003
Financial Fraud Research Center is a joint project of the Stanford Center on Longevity and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Investor Education Foundation
National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse—Toolbox of Sample Materials from Elder Abuse Prevention Programs
Office for Victims of Crime (F.A.S.T.) Financial Abuse Specialist Team Video (May 2003)
Senior Concerns—Ventura County FAST
The Successes and Challenges of Seven Multidisciplinary Teams (Abstract) Twomey, Jackson et al.,Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 2010
Creating Large Systems That Work (Abstract) Malks & Cartan,Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 2010
Strategies to Address Financial Abuse(Abstract) Reeves & Wysong,Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 2010
Interagency Information Sharing
The Availability and Utility of Interdisciplinary Data on Elder Abuse (PDF) NCEA 2006
Dangerous Caregivers: State Failed to Cross-Check Backgrounds, Exposing Elderly to Abusive Workers (PDF) Adkisson, Hill et al., CA Senate Office of Oversight & Outcomes 2010
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. Although releasing medical information to APS is not a HIPAA violation, many medical providers are under the mistaken belief that it is. This letter was written by the federal government’s Office for Civil Rights in response to these concerns. It states that medical providers are required to release up-to-date medical information without an authorization or court order to Adult Protection Services.
To allow covered entities to appropriately share information in this context [of protecting individuals against abuse and neglect and domestic violence], and to harmonize the Privacy Rule with existing state and federal laws mandating uses and disclosures of protected health information, 45 CFR §512(a) permits covered entities to comply with laws requiring the use or disclosure of protected health information, provided the use or disclosure meets and is limited to the relevant requirements of such other laws. Where and to the extent that such disclosures are required by law, no authorization or court order is required for the disclosure…
Click here to download the PDF of this letter.
Elder Mistreatment (online book by National Research Council‘s Panel to Review Risk and Prevalence of Elder Abuse and Neglect) Bonnie & Wallace, Eds, 2003
Violence in Families: Assessing Prevention and Treatment Programs (Online Book from National Academies Press) by Chalk & King, Eds., 1998
Things You Can Do In Your Community
Anyone can act to improve the safety of elders in their community and raise awareness about the problem of elder abuse. Here are some ideas.
Downloadable Materials For Raising Awareness About Elder Abuse And Neglect
You are welcome to download these PDF files to print and distribute these posters.
These files require Adobe Reader.
National Associations and Advocacy Organizations
California Associations and Advocacy Organizations