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News and Events


JUL 28-29Visit our booth at the n4a Annual Conference and Tradeshow
JUL 16Bonnie Olsen, PhD to speak on Understanding Capacity & Undue Influence in the Fiduciary/Client Relationship for California Fiduciary event
JUL 10Lisa Gibbs, MD and Elaine Chen, MS discuss "How You Can Address or Prevent Elder Abuse" in blog interview for caregivers
JUN 28Lisa Gibbs, MD to train CA Dept of Social Services Legal Enforcement Attorneys and Legal Analysts on Decubitus Ulcers and Wound Care
JUN 27NCPEA and NCEA present "Involving Elected Officials in Coalitions" Webinar 10am-11:30am Pacific, featuring Mohammad Bader and Jay Pentheny, hosted by the Academy for Professional Excellence
JUN 27Visit our Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse & Neglect resource table at the Elder Abuse Symposium of the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Criminal Justice Institute
JUN 21Geriatrician Dr. Laura Mosqueda has been appointed to the Institute of Medicine’s 2013 Forum on Global Violence Prevention
JUN 20Join the Ageless Alliance in commemorating World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in Orange County on Thursday, June 20th at the Laguna Woods Village.
JUN 19Bonnie J. Olsen, PhD and Mary Twomey, MSW discuss the critical issue of when caregivers reach their breaking point in webinar "When the Going Gets Tough as a Caregiver." Register for the free webinar sponsored by Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving offered at 11 am Eastern on June 19.
JUN 13Dear Abby shines light on elder abuse. The beloved column publishes a letter from Center of Excellence co-director, Mary Twomey.
JUN 13Laura Mosqueda, MD to make keynote presentation for the Michigan Summit on Elder Justice/At-risk Adults
MAY 29-31Dr. Steven Tam to present a session on Elder Abuse Prevention at The National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANASP) Annual Training Conference
MAY 21Co-Director Mary Twomey to present at the Legal Assistance for Seniors 8th Annual Conference on Elder Abuse in San Francisco
MAY 16America Now News interviews UC Irvine geriatrician, Dr. Laura Mosqueda, to talk about the telltale signs of elder abuse
MAY 2Co-Director Mary Twomey teamed up with Area Agency on Aging directors and N4A for a webinar "Elder Abuse and AAAs: Best Practices and More." To access the recording and slides, click on "Past Webinars."
APR 22Geropsychologist Dr. Bonnie Olsen visits the Financial Sense News Hour to discuss financial fraud and abuse of the elderly and how to avoid it.
APR 21-27National Crime Victims' Rights Week highlights elder financial abuse. In 2011, the Orange County Elder Abuse Forensic Center was honored for Innovative Victim Services.
APR 16UC Irvine geriatrician, Dr. Laura Mosqueda, to speak on "Elder Abuse: The National Perspective" at the 13th Annual Family Justice Center Conference in Forth Worth, Texas.
APR 14Kerry Burnight, PhD, to join Orange Label Art + Advertising on 830 AM KLAA’s Business Experience Show from 6-7pm to discuss the ever-growing Ageless Alliance
APR 11The April 2013 version of our quarterly e-newsletter, Elder Abuse Bytes, is now available at our newsletter archive page
APR 08The Center of Excellence is proud to exhibit at Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez's 2013 speaker series on "Preserving Elder Lifestyles"
APR 05The Center of Excellence is proud to exhibit at Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez's 2013 speaker series on "Preserving Elder Lifestyles"
MAR 26The Center of Excellence is proud to exhibit at Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez's 2013 speaker series on "Preserving Elder Lifestyles"
MAR 12-16Visit the National Center on Elder Abuse booth at the American Society on Aging's Aging in America Conference! Co-Director Mary Twomey to present at "It Takes a Village: Interventions for Protecting Older Americans From Financial Exploitation" Workshop on Tues, March 12
MAR 04Dr. Laura Mosqueda spoke to the KPCC radio program, "Air Talk," regarding a 911 call from a senior living community where no CPR was done on an ailing resident.
FEB 22UC Irvine psychologist, Bonnie Olsen, Ph.D., to speak at South County Senior Summit, hosted by O.C. Supervisor Pat Bates. Theme is: “Dignity,Safety, and Independence: Educating Older Adults and Honoring Veterans”
FEB 21Thank you for joining us for the free webinar, "Innovative Long Term Care Ombudsman Program Practices." Click here for the recording and slides from the presentation!
FEB 12Center of Excellence partner, Orange Label Art + Advertising, wins international leadership award for helping launch Ageless Alliance
JAN 11Register now for the upcoming free webinar, "Innovative Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Practices in California."
JAN 08Ageless Alliance member, Dr. Kerry Burnight, to serve as a guest expert on elder abuse issues on the Dr. Phil show on CBS
JAN 04Kerry Burnight, a UC Irvine gerontologist, says it's unknown how often elder abuse occurs within nursing hones in Orange County, where 28,000 older adults live in long-term care facilities.
JAN 01The Administration on Aging has proclaimed that 2013 is the Year of Elder Abuse Prevention. Click here to learn how you can participate!


DEC 18The December 2012 version of our quarterly newsletter, Elder Abuse Bytes, is now available at our newsletter archive page
DEC  11368+ Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Guide for CA Law Enforcement is available for Droid devices and mobile web, free of charge for a limited time only!
DEC 4-7UC Irvine geriatrician Dr. Laura Mosqueda and prosecutor Paul Greenwood to speak at the California District Attorneys Association's symposium on elder abuse.
NOV 26The New York Times has helped publicize the new guidebook, "Protect Your Pocketbook: Tips to Avoid Financial Exploitation," presented by the National Center on Elder Abuse.
NOV 14Congratulations to Orange Label Advertising for their W3 2012 Silver Award for creating the PSA for Ageless Alliance: United Against Elder Abuse
NOV 11Center of Excellence salutes the nation's veterans
NOV 08The National Center on Elder Abuse is co-sponsoring a webinar called, "Victim Services and Elder Abuse Coalitions: Collaborative Partners and Stakeholders for Strategic Planning"
OCT 30UC Irvine Geriatrician, Dr. Lisa Gibbs, to present at the 2012 Elder Abuse Symposium in Alhambra, California
OCT 27-31Center of Excellence exhibited at the 140th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the American Public Health Association
OCT 24-25Center of Excellence staff exhibited at the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving 25th Annual National Summit and Training Institute
OCT 17Geriatrician Dr. Chinh Le gives an elder abuse presentation in Vietnamese at St. Anselm's Cross-Cultural Community Center in Orange, CA
OCT 16-18The Center of Excellence to present at the 2012 National Adult Protective Services Association (NAPSA) Conference in Phoenix, AZ
OCT 11UC Irvine's Program in Geriatrics is awarded $1 million by the U.S. Administration on Aging to combat elder abuse.
OCT 11The Center of Excellence to host a meeting of Northern California Multidisciplinary Teams to build an elder justice network in California
SEP 27Register now for the free webinar, "Taking the Guesswork Out of APS Findings," which started as a Center of Excellence research project and has gained national attention
SEP 26All are invited to attend the first fundraiser for Ageless Alliance: a social justice movement united against elder abuse! Please RSVP by September 24 to
SEP 21UC Irvine Geriatrician, Dr. Laura Mosqueda, to speak at the 20th Annual Alzheimer’s Disease Research Conference, “Beyond Memory: Behavioral and Psychiatric Symptoms of Dementia.”
SEP 20UC Irvine geriatrician, Laura Mosqueda, to speak at the 2012 Advanced Symposium for Coroners in Orange, CA.
SEP 10-13Program in Geriatrics will be represented by its staff at the 2012 National Home and Community Based Services Conference in Arlington, VA
AUG 15The first webinar in the series, “Elder Abuse in Diverse Communities” features Dr. Ailee Moon, who discusses elder abuse in the Asian and Pacific Islander communities.
JUL 31The Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse to host a meeting of all Southern California Multidisciplinary Teams focused on the prevention and detection of elder abuse
JUL 27Mary Twomey, MSW, co-director of the Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse and Neglect, to speak at the UCSF School of Dentistry
JUL 25Gerontologist Dr. Kerry Burnight featured on Dr. Drew Pinsky's show on HLN to speak about elder abuse in light of recent allegations within the Jackson family
JUL 23Dr. Laura Mosqueda will represent the UC Irvine Program in Geriatrics at The Association of Directors of Geriatric Academic Programs, Inc. (the ADGAP) meeting in New York
JUL 14Mary Twomey, MSW, co-director of the Center of Excellence, to speak on elder abuse for the Call Kira About Aging Radio Show
JUL 7-11The Center of Excellence will be represented in Denver at the n4A 37th Annual Conference and Tradeshow
JUN 15Join us in commemorating World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) on June 15th, 2012 at the Beckman Center in Irvine from 10:00-11:30am
JUN 14President Barack Obama has signed a proclamation officially declaring that June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day!
JUN 14The White House will host an event to commemorate the 7th Annual World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Co-directors Mary Twomey and Laura Mosqueda to attend.
JUN 13Ageless Alliance is our new social justice movement united against elder abuse. Find out how you can get involved!
JUN 13The Center of Excellence is proud to announce the launch of its latest social justice movement, the Ageless Alliance: United Against Elder Abuse.
JUN 05Mary Twomey, MSW, co-director of the Center of Excellence, to be the featured presenter in an upcoming free webinar by the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving
MAY 31The Orange County Elder Abuse Forensic Center to participate in a convening of all four forensic centers in California in hopes of optimizing its efforts to serve the vulnerable.
MAY 30Co-Director Mary Twomey to be the keynote speaker at the 18th Annual Virginia Coalition for the Prevention of Elder Abuse conference
MAY 21Mary Twomey, MSW, co-director of the Center of Excellence, received the Advocacy Award at the 7th Annual Conference on Elder Abuse by Legal Assistance for Seniors in Oakland
APR 27UC Irvine experts will provide training in local nursing homes thanks to the settlement of a class-action lawsuit that found inadequate staffing at several facilities around California.
APR 27Join the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day video campaign by posting your own short video clip to UCI's Elder Abuse YouTube channel! Submissions are due by April 27th.
APR 24The Schwartz Center Rounds aim to increase insight into social and emotional aspects of patient care.
APR 24Dr. Steven Tam to present on best practices in the identification and management of elder abuse and neglect in a medical setting
APR 23-25Center of Excellence co-director, Mary Twomey, MSW, to speak in Chicago at "Seeing with New Eyes," a summit on elder abuse and faith.
APR 23-25Mary Twomey, MSW, co-director of the Center of Excellence, to speak in Chicago at a conference by Safe Havens to discuss current issues in the field of elder abuse and faith.
APR 13Join the movement to reauthorize the Older Americans Act by visiting our PopVox page and writing directly to Congress!
APR 07Mary Twomey, MSW, co-director of the Center of Excellence, contributed to a recent article on the nationwide lack of oversight of elderly care.
MAR 30-31CoE faculty to partner with other family violence experts at the National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence
MAR 30Kerry Burnight, PhD, UC Irvine Geriatrics, presented at the National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence
MAR 29-31The Center of Excellence will be represented at the 2012 Aging in America Conference. Come visit our booths and participate in our Elder Abuse sessions
MAR 26UC Irvine Program in Geriatrics has received a major grant to prevent elder abuse in long-term care facilities. The grant will be used to train professionals and provide resources for victims and their loved ones
MAR 23Drs. Laura Mosqueda and Kerry Burnight to present on elder abuse and aging at Supervisor Pat Bates' South County Senior Summit
FEB 06AARP TV - Inside E Street visits OC's Elder Abuse Forensic Center in "Elder Abuse: A hidden epidemic is slowly coming out of the shadows"
JAN 10The vulnerable, fast-growing U.S. elderly population’s increasing dependence on caretakers and relatives is a “recipe for disaster,” UC Irvine’s Dr. Laura Mosqueda tells USA Today.
JAN 01Wiglesworth & Mosqueda's study of People with Dementia as Witnesses to Emotional Events highlighted in National Institute of Justice's Research Report Digest


DEC 12Access materials from our December webinar, "Stopping Elder Financial Abuse: Promising Practices and How to Bring Them to Your Community," funded by the Archstone Foundation
NOV 16The Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse is grateful to the Archstone Foundation for its support through the years. Please view its impressive five-year report.
NOV 10All are welcome to call in with questions and concerns to this toll-free, nationwide calling service between 6:00am and 3:00 pm PST
NOV 04UC Irvine geriatrician, Dr. Laura Mosqueda, will speak about Elder Abuse at the 23rd Annual Arizona Geriatrics Society Fall Symposium at the Desert Willow Conference Center in Phoenix
NOV 02Congratulations to Center of Excellence co-Director, Mary Twomey, for receiving the Sentinel Award from the Elder Financial Protection Network!
OCT 23Congratulations to UC Irvine gerontologist Kerry Burnight for receiving the 2011 Senior Care Humanitarian Award for being an Outstanding Administrator!
OCT 22The new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a resource for older Americans and their families to help address the problem of elder financial abuse.
OCT 21Look for the Center of Excellence booth at the 2011 Brea Senior Health Fair and Flu Clinic!
SEP 21JAMA and IHI team up to present the Author in the Room webinar series. This month features UC Irvine geriatrician Dr. Laura Mosqueda to discuss her recent published work from 2-3pm ET
SEP 20The 22nd Annual National Adult Protective Services Conference will be held in Buffalo, NY from September 20-23 and will be titled "Stemming the Tide of Adult Abuse"
SEP 20UC Irvine gerontologist, Kerry Burnight, will be presenting at the 2011 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) National Training Conference at the Hyatt Regency in Long Beach.
SEP 01UC Irvine receives $1.7-million federal grant to be the National Center on Elder Abuse, serving as clearinghouse for information, research and best practices.
AUG 31The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) recently published an article on elder abuse and neglect co-written by UC Irvine geriatrician Dr. Laura Mosqueda
AUG 30UC Irvine's geropsychologist, Dr. Bonnie Olsen, and geriatrician Dr. Lisa Gibbs, aim to teach detectives to build successful adult neglect cases in private residences and facilities
AUG 25The Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse hosts its first webinar, "Medical Markers of Elder Abuse," presented by UC Irvine geriatrician Dr. Laura Mosqueda
AUG 13Kathleen Gouldy and Thomas Wallin of Aliso Viejo, California will take on the Leadville 100-mile Mountain Biking Race while raising money and awareness for the Center of Excellence.
JUL 29UC Irvine geriatrician, Dr. Laura Mosqueda, will be presenting at the 8th Annual Disability Rights Workshop, "Take Back the Power!" for older adults and people with disabilities
JUL 28After two years of hard work, the California Elder Justice Workgroup has published "Improving California's Response to Elder Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation: A Blueprint"
JUN 15World Elder Abuse Awareness Day was a blast! Find out what you can do to help in your community and online by clicking this link!
JUN 15The World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Package is a series of free webinars presented by several experts in the field and hosted by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
JUN 03The Violence Prevention Coalition of Orange County is recognizing UC Irvine geriatrician Dr. Laura Mosqueda at their 15th Annual Ambassador of Peace Ceremony
MAY 18Come visit the Program in Geriatrics booth at the 5th Annual Faculty and Staff Wellness and Safety Fair at the Anteater Recreation Center from 10:30am-1:30pm
MAY Elder Abuse Bytes' spring newsletter highlights current events in the world of elder abuse, including an international webinar hosted by UC Irvine staff
APR 27-29Booth 808 will be represented by Center of Excellence staff, who will present elder abuse at the 2011 Annual Conference of the American Society on Aging in San Francisco
APR 26Center of Excellence staff will present on elder abuse at the 2011 Annual Conference of the American Society on Aging in San Francisco.
APR 15UC Irvine's own Dr. Laura Mosqueda will be a featured speaker on elder abuse at the upcoming Academy of Violence and Abuse Biennial Scientific Assembly
APR 14Mary Twomey, MSW, of UC Irvine will be lecturing on elder abuse to the Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP), which provides free counseling on Medicare options
APR 08Justice Department honors UC Irvine's Elder Abuse Forensics Center and its founder, Dr. Laura Mosqueda, for efforts to prevent elder abuse.
APR 01The 4th Annual South County Senior Summit, called "Everything you Ever Wanted to Know About Aging, but were Afraid to Ask!" and will feature speakers including Drs. Mosqueda and Burnight
MAR 02UC Irvine study is cited by ABC News while covering legendary actor Mickey Rooney's gripping testimony on his own experience with elder abuse
FEB Psychologist Bonnie Olsen, Ph.D. provides training on Client Decision-Making Capacity for APS workers and Public Guardians in partnership with Statewide APS Training Project


DEC 18When visiting older relatives, it is important to assess their health and needs. "Visit with a checklist in your head," says UC Irvine's Mary Twomey in an article for the LA Times
DEC 7-10Three-day Elder Abuse Symposium will focus on how to identify, investigate and prosecute cases involving abuse of elders and dependent adults.
DEC The Elder Abuse Bytes Newsletter Holiday Edition highlights holiday scams, loneliness, and what to look for when visiting older relatives this season.
NOV 19-23Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA: Transitions of Care Across the Aging Continuum
NOV 15Annual conference of the California Association of Area Agencies on Aging scheduled in Los Angeles.
OCT 25Elder Abuse Bytes newsletter highlights pressure ulcer study, Archstone Foundation Elder Abuse and Neglect Initiative, elder abuse benchcard, nursing response to elder abuse curriculum
SEP 24"Elder abuse remains an underreported crime," says UC Irvine's Dr. Laura Mosqueda in the new issue of the Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, which she guest edited.
AUG 25UC Irvine's Dr. Laura Mosqueda is honored for her contributions to the care of Medi-Cal patients and other underserved groups in Orange County.
JUL 13Elder Abuse Bytes newsletter reports on Justice Department survey on abuse in residental care.
JUN 15UC Irvine Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse & Neglect shines a spotlight on elder abuse.