Date | Description |
DEC 18 | The December 2012 version of our quarterly newsletter, Elder Abuse Bytes, is now available at our newsletter archive page |
DEC 11 | 368+ Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Guide for CA Law Enforcement is available for Droid devices and mobile web, free of charge for a limited time only! |
DEC 4-7 | UC Irvine geriatrician Dr. Laura Mosqueda and prosecutor Paul Greenwood to speak at the California District Attorneys Association's symposium on elder abuse. |
NOV 26 | The New York Times has helped publicize the new guidebook, "Protect Your Pocketbook: Tips to Avoid Financial Exploitation," presented by the National Center on Elder Abuse. |
NOV 14 | Congratulations to Orange Label Advertising for their W3 2012 Silver Award for creating the PSA for Ageless Alliance: United Against Elder Abuse |
NOV 11 | Center of Excellence salutes the nation's veterans |
NOV 08 | The National Center on Elder Abuse is co-sponsoring a webinar called, "Victim Services and Elder Abuse Coalitions: Collaborative Partners and Stakeholders for Strategic Planning" |
OCT 30 | UC Irvine Geriatrician, Dr. Lisa Gibbs, to present at the 2012 Elder Abuse Symposium in Alhambra, California |
OCT 27-31 | Center of Excellence exhibited at the 140th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the American Public Health Association |
OCT 24-25 | Center of Excellence staff exhibited at the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving 25th Annual National Summit and Training Institute |
OCT 17 | Geriatrician Dr. Chinh Le gives an elder abuse presentation in Vietnamese at St. Anselm's Cross-Cultural Community Center in Orange, CA |
OCT 16-18 | The Center of Excellence to present at the 2012 National Adult Protective Services Association (NAPSA) Conference in Phoenix, AZ |
OCT 11 | UC Irvine's Program in Geriatrics is awarded $1 million by the U.S. Administration on Aging to combat elder abuse. |
OCT 11 | The Center of Excellence to host a meeting of Northern California Multidisciplinary Teams to build an elder justice network in California |
SEP 27 | Register now for the free webinar, "Taking the Guesswork Out of APS Findings," which started as a Center of Excellence research project and has gained national attention |
SEP 26 | All are invited to attend the first fundraiser for Ageless Alliance: a social justice movement united against elder abuse! Please RSVP by September 24 to |
SEP 21 | UC Irvine Geriatrician, Dr. Laura Mosqueda, to speak at the 20th Annual Alzheimer’s Disease Research Conference, “Beyond Memory: Behavioral and Psychiatric Symptoms of Dementia.” |
SEP 20 | UC Irvine geriatrician, Laura Mosqueda, to speak at the 2012 Advanced Symposium for Coroners in Orange, CA. |
SEP 10-13 | Program in Geriatrics will be represented by its staff at the 2012 National Home and Community Based Services Conference in Arlington, VA |
AUG 15 | The first webinar in the series, “Elder Abuse in Diverse Communities” features Dr. Ailee Moon, who discusses elder abuse in the Asian and Pacific Islander communities. |
JUL 31 | The Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse to host a meeting of all Southern California Multidisciplinary Teams focused on the prevention and detection of elder abuse |
JUL 27 | Mary Twomey, MSW, co-director of the Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse and Neglect, to speak at the UCSF School of Dentistry |
JUL 25 | Gerontologist Dr. Kerry Burnight featured on Dr. Drew Pinsky's show on HLN to speak about elder abuse in light of recent allegations within the Jackson family |
JUL 23 | Dr. Laura Mosqueda will represent the UC Irvine Program in Geriatrics at The Association of Directors of Geriatric Academic Programs, Inc. (the ADGAP) meeting in New York |
JUL 14 | Mary Twomey, MSW, co-director of the Center of Excellence, to speak on elder abuse for the Call Kira About Aging Radio Show |
JUL 7-11 | The Center of Excellence will be represented in Denver at the n4A 37th Annual Conference and Tradeshow |
JUN 15 | Join us in commemorating World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) on June 15th, 2012 at the Beckman Center in Irvine from 10:00-11:30am |
JUN 14 | President Barack Obama has signed a proclamation officially declaring that June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day! |
JUN 14 | The White House will host an event to commemorate the 7th Annual World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Co-directors Mary Twomey and Laura Mosqueda to attend. |
JUN 13 | Ageless Alliance is our new social justice movement united against elder abuse. Find out how you can get involved! |
JUN 13 | The Center of Excellence is proud to announce the launch of its latest social justice movement, the Ageless Alliance: United Against Elder Abuse. |
JUN 05 | Mary Twomey, MSW, co-director of the Center of Excellence, to be the featured presenter in an upcoming free webinar by the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving |
MAY 31 | The Orange County Elder Abuse Forensic Center to participate in a convening of all four forensic centers in California in hopes of optimizing its efforts to serve the vulnerable. |
MAY 30 | Co-Director Mary Twomey to be the keynote speaker at the 18th Annual Virginia Coalition for the Prevention of Elder Abuse conference |
MAY 21 | Mary Twomey, MSW, co-director of the Center of Excellence, received the Advocacy Award at the 7th Annual Conference on Elder Abuse by Legal Assistance for Seniors in Oakland |
APR 27 | UC Irvine experts will provide training in local nursing homes thanks to the settlement of a class-action lawsuit that found inadequate staffing at several facilities around California. |
APR 27 | Join the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day video campaign by posting your own short video clip to UCI's Elder Abuse YouTube channel! Submissions are due by April 27th. |
APR 24 | The Schwartz Center Rounds aim to increase insight into social and emotional aspects of patient care. |
APR 24 | Dr. Steven Tam to present on best practices in the identification and management of elder abuse and neglect in a medical setting |
APR 23-25 | Center of Excellence co-director, Mary Twomey, MSW, to speak in Chicago at "Seeing with New Eyes," a summit on elder abuse and faith. |
APR 23-25 | Mary Twomey, MSW, co-director of the Center of Excellence, to speak in Chicago at a conference by Safe Havens to discuss current issues in the field of elder abuse and faith. |
APR 13 | Join the movement to reauthorize the Older Americans Act by visiting our PopVox page and writing directly to Congress! |
APR 07 | Mary Twomey, MSW, co-director of the Center of Excellence, contributed to a recent article on the nationwide lack of oversight of elderly care. |
MAR 30-31 | CoE faculty to partner with other family violence experts at the National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence |
MAR 30 | Kerry Burnight, PhD, UC Irvine Geriatrics, presented at the National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence |
MAR 29-31 | The Center of Excellence will be represented at the 2012 Aging in America Conference. Come visit our booths and participate in our Elder Abuse sessions |
MAR 26 | UC Irvine Program in Geriatrics has received a major grant to prevent elder abuse in long-term care facilities. The grant will be used to train professionals and provide resources for victims and their loved ones |
MAR 23 | Drs. Laura Mosqueda and Kerry Burnight to present on elder abuse and aging at Supervisor Pat Bates' South County Senior Summit |
FEB 06 | AARP TV - Inside E Street visits OC's Elder Abuse Forensic Center in "Elder Abuse: A hidden epidemic is slowly coming out of the shadows" |
JAN 10 | The vulnerable, fast-growing U.S. elderly population’s increasing dependence on caretakers and relatives is a “recipe for disaster,” UC Irvine’s Dr. Laura Mosqueda tells USA Today. |
JAN 01 | Wiglesworth & Mosqueda's study of People with Dementia as Witnesses to Emotional Events highlighted in National Institute of Justice's Research Report Digest |